Voting in Washington State: The Ultimate How-To
by Irisa Teng
Voting is the easiest way for you to get your voice heard, and with today's information revolution, research on candidates and their policies has never been easier. But why stop at being witness to the United States' democracy? Why not make your own voice heard?
We at International Law Society know that sifting through government websites and finding the correct links to log in and download PDFs from is a painstakingly slow process, so here we have compiled an easy step-by-step infographic for you on how to register to vote and vote in Washington state, complete with links and QR codes.
Voting registration eligibility: Voter Eligibility | WA Secretary of State
Registering to vote online: VoteWA Voter Portal
Print forms: Print a Voter Registration Form | WA Secretary of State
Locate county elections department: County Elections Offices in Washington State | WA Secretary of State
Deadlines for voter registration and voting: Dates and Deadlines 2024 | WA Secretary of State